Last Updated: September 27, 2021
Uptomic formatting and parsing software processes three types of documents: Job Advertisements, Candidate resumes or CVs, and templates. All three types of documents are intended by their authors to be public and to be distributed widely to accomplish their goals. Neither type of document, therefore, reasonably contains ANY data that is expected by the creator to be treated as confidential or private or secret in any way, to any extent, in any forum, in any locale, at any time.
Therefore, Uptomic deems that its core processing activities relate to documents which, although they may have PII, are intended to contain such PII, and that the publication or distribution of such PII bears no risk of damage to the originator.
Nevertheless, to simplify its security practices, and to provide security far beyond what is expected, Uptomic has implemented the following practices:
Job Advertisements do not contain PII because they relate to organizations, not individuals. Uptomic does not store any Job Advertisements that are sent for parsing.
Uptomic does not store any resumes that are sent to it for parsing or formatting.
Uptomic stores the customer provided templates for the purposes of CV formatting. CV templates typically do not contain PII. In the rare cases when CV template contains PII such as contact person email or phone, Uptomic will store the templates in a secure account with two-factor authentication and encryption.
Documents sent to Uptomic by its customers and prospects for use in its internal QA/Dev processes may be stored locally on a developer’s hard drive in a folder marked “Resumes” or “Jobs” (whichever may be appropriate) for no more than 48 hours. These folders must be encrypted. At the conclusion of the QA or Development activity within 48 hours, these files MUST be deleted from the local machine (including deleted from the Recycle bin).
Resumes or Jobs received by email must be promptly saved to secure folders as described above, and the emails deleted.